Political Intelligence in the Workplace
Over the last year (plus) we have been delivering a number of leadership programs in the Middle East where there has been an increasing demand for the topic of ‘Political Intelligence (PQ)’. People talk about IQ and EQ but often they forget about PQ… which is advantageous to get ahead. In today’s volatile, uncertain, complex,…

Adapting to Change: Why Agile Leadership is Essential in Today’s Workplace
In today’s rapidly changing world, organizations must be able to adapt quickly to new challenges and opportunities. This requires leaders who are agile and able to pivot their strategies and approaches as circumstances change. Most of the work we do is help lower to senior leadership see their roles, teams, systems and processes through a…

Political Intelligence in the Workplace
Over the last year (plus) we have been delivering a number of leadership programs in the Middle East where there has been an increasing demand for the topic of ‘Political Intelligence (PQ)’. People talk about IQ and EQ but often they forget about PQ… which is advantageous to get ahead. In today’s volatile, uncertain, complex,…

Identifying and Approaching Influencers
So following on from my article about ‘Credibility by Association‘ we now hopefully agree that we can bask in the reflective glow of influential people whilst working on our own credibility. But how do we attract influencers in the first place? Here are a few ideas for you. The term influencer marketing is a form…

The Law Of Reciprocity
Have you ever experienced the feeling of wanting to do something for someone simply because they have at some point done something for you. Even if they haven’t asked? “We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” ―Winston S. Churchill Social psychologists call this phenomenon The Law of Reciprocity…

How to Build Influence from the Ground Up
You may have heard the phrase “It isn’t what you know , it’s who you know” Personally I prefer a variation on this… ‘It isn’t what you know, or just who you know, it’s also who knows you!” because broken down this refers to your knowledge, your network and your reputation. But Influence is a broader…

When People Connect To Their PURPOSE
Hello Marvellous People of the Internet While eating my lunch today I stumbled across this chap’s YouTube video (Michael Palmisano) analysing a John Butler song. You may not know but I am a guitarist myself (Albeit average) and I just happen to own a few John Butler Trio albums too. So I watched. Here is…

Networking at Business Events
Over the last 15 years I have delivered keynotes at a number of different business events. From conferences to exhibitions, networking events to dinners, team meetings to awards ceremonies. A particular favourite of mine are business exhibitions, I just love the energy in the room, people hustling, inspiring speakers, but there is one thing that…

Spam, Junk & Cold Calling… It’s Time To Be Innovative With Your Marketing!
I love spam! Well not excessive repeat of the same products but I am fascinated by other businesses marketing messages. In the UK we detest being sold too, where as selling is a respected profession in other cultures, why is that? I believe it is becoming increasingly harder to get noticed In business today, traditional…

Social Media Lessons From The P0rn Industry
One from the archives… written in 2006 Last week I was invited to speak at a 4Networking breakfast event in Southend as I was in the area working with Sarah Arrow on our new ebook Zero to Blogger .I decided to do something a little different for my presentation inspired by a video I watched by Ed Celis earlier this year…

Mixing Business & Pleasure Online – Reputation Matters
<strong>Another from the Archives – Written years ago! How is your reputation effected by the content you share online?</strong> I get asked a lot when speaking about whether people should mix business with their private lives when it comes to online networking. People are concerned that clients may see something which may show them in…