I believe CONTEXT MATTERS. Every time I set foot on a stage I have taken some time to understand your audience and personalise my talk for them, ensuring it really resonates and they take maximum value.

Influence & Communication are broad topics, which means I am able to build presentations which focus on the specific needs of my clients. My keynote ‘Influence in a Changing World’ explores how society has changed (Technology, culture, diversity, demographics) and how we have to adapt our communication to stay engaged with our audience, whether internal teams, stakeholders or customers.
A Framework for Everyday Communication
We live in times of rapid change. Right now we have 5 different generations in the workforce all with different perspectives that influence their decisions. We work in distributed (Hybrid) teams and don't seem as connected.
We have more diversity in society than at any time in our history adding another level of complexity to the way we interact. Technology continues to evolve at an astonishing pace as big business moves closer to automation and digital transformations are hugely impacting organisational cultures... It's exhausting just to think about it!
The way we communicate is fundamentally changing thanks to the social web, the pace we live our lives is creating shorter attention spans and more superficial relationships as we are bombarded with marketing messages every waking hour.
In this fascinating talk we will explore this change and how it effects the way we interact with each other. I will share a modern day toolkit for effective communication helping audiences really understand how to build stronger, deeper relationships and more influence.

Each of the topics below can be delivered as a keynote or in more depth as a training workshop.
* All of my content has been adapted for virtual delivery. Designed to engage.
- Deep Influence
- Leadership
- Public Speaking
- Culture Change
- Thought Leadership
- Intelligent Selling
- Contextual Marketing
- Soft Skills
- Agile Business Transformation
- Effective Communication

Keeping Your Audience Engaged
An experienced MC is essential for events with lots of moving parts. They have to be able to read the room, support the organiser, think on their feet and build rapport with both your speakers and your delegates.
Having ran over 1000 events myself over the last 20 years I am experienced at working to a plan, and adapting when surprises happen. I always have material (talks as well as ice breakers) ready should a speaker arrive late... or not at all. I am also alway on hand to support the organiser leading up to the event.
Increasingly I am booked to perform both a keynote and to host, and welcome a call to discuss your event and to see if I am a fit for you.
Leadership and Influence in a Changing Society
This session is all about understanding the change that is happening all around us and how it effects the businesses & industries we operate in.
We will explore current & future trends in technology, changing demographics & the different actudes of consumers. We will also discuss how innovation is the necessary key to survival & future success.
I understand working with an executive group is very different than simply delivering a keynote.
It’s as much a conversation as it is a presentation, where the whole group is involved in the content and likes to be challenged.
I am experienced enough to contextualise my ideas to the businesses in the room so they can relate & later reflect on what I will share.


0783 4488999
