Tag Archives: Networking

Political Intelligence in the Workplace
Over the last year (plus) we have been delivering a number of leadership programs in the Middle East where there has been an increasing demand for the topic of ‘Political Intelligence (PQ)’. People talk about IQ and EQ but often they forget about PQ… which is advantageous to get ahead. In today’s volatile, uncertain, complex,…

13 Tips to Make Networking Less Intimidating
The majority of people who are new to networking are intimidated by it. There is a vulnerability about walking into a room full of strangers and having to introduce yourself. The fear of being judged, fear of saying something stupid, blowing an opportunity, not being liked etc. rattle around in the majority of people’s heads.…

The Importance of a Network
Your network is the most powerful asset you have for creating opportunity and becoming more successful. I believe the calibre of people you associate with, will not only reflect on you, but will have a direct impact on your opportunities. **This blog post is for people who are new to networking or want to know exactly…