Category Archives: Demonstrating Expertise

The Law Of Reciprocity
Have you ever experienced the feeling of wanting to do something for someone simply because they have at some point done something for you. Even if they haven’t asked? “We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” ―Winston S. Churchill Social psychologists call this phenomenon The Law of Reciprocity…

How to Build Influence from the Ground Up
You may have heard the phrase “It isn’t what you know , it’s who you know” Personally I prefer a variation on this… ‘It isn’t what you know, or just who you know, it’s also who knows you!” because broken down this refers to your knowledge, your network and your reputation. But Influence is a broader…

When People Connect To Their PURPOSE
Hello Marvellous People of the Internet While eating my lunch today I stumbled across this chap’s YouTube video (Michael Palmisano) analysing a John Butler song. You may not know but I am a guitarist myself (Albeit average) and I just happen to own a few John Butler Trio albums too. So I watched. Here is…

How to sound smart, even if you have nothing to say!
This has to be one of my favourite TED talks and a bit of fun for the weekend. Will Stephen, professional comedian shares foolproof presentation skills to make you sound brilliant, even if you are literally saying nothing. Although there are some real lessons in there if you look hard enough.