Author Archives: warren

Conversations Create Opportunities
Social media for me is all about starting conversations. From conversations come new relationships, knowledge and opportunities! Or to quote a cliche… from small acorns grow mighty oaks! I have noticed that conversations can go off in many directions depending on the environment. For example if I were to discuss politics in the pub with…

8 Simple Ways to Manage Your Professional Reputation
It was Warren Buffet who said “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.” This has never been more true than today in the digital age we live in. Employers today are using social media sites and search engines to…

How to sound smart, even if you have nothing to say!
This has to be one of my favourite TED talks and a bit of fun for the weekend. Will Stephen, professional comedian shares foolproof presentation skills to make you sound brilliant, even if you are literally saying nothing. Although there are some real lessons in there if you look hard enough.

Travel Productivity – 5 Tips for Focused Working Whilst on the Move
Several months ago I was behind on writing my new book, understandably my publisher was starting to gently apply the pressure to get it finished. You see I am cursed. Cursed with the concentration span of a goldfish. Cursed to continuously start new things before I have finished the last job. I came to realise…

Resilience & Reputation – Lessons From Failing
Have you ever felt sorry for yourself when things haven’t gone your way? Have you avoided difficult conversations only to damage your reputation further by not addressing the issue? Story Having run my own businesses for over 25 years I have seen some ups and downs in my time. We have experienced some brilliant successes…
Give Your Customers What They Want!
Several years ago my wife and I visited the City of Bath to spend the day sight seeing, shopping and enjoying some of the culinary delights on offer. Eventually, early evening we decided on dinner at the Firehouse Rotisserie and sat down to order our meal. Before I had a chance to study the menu I was asked…

13 Tips to Make Networking Less Intimidating
The majority of people who are new to networking are intimidated by it. There is a vulnerability about walking into a room full of strangers and having to introduce yourself. The fear of being judged, fear of saying something stupid, blowing an opportunity, not being liked etc. rattle around in the majority of people’s heads.…

The Importance of a Network
Your network is the most powerful asset you have for creating opportunity and becoming more successful. I believe the calibre of people you associate with, will not only reflect on you, but will have a direct impact on your opportunities. **This blog post is for people who are new to networking or want to know exactly…
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